This was called “potable gold.” In one passage it is said that one should take a few drops of this golden liquor every few months to maintain perfect health and freedom from disease. This process should be continued until the liquid obtains a golden color. Then one should take a drop of this liquor and place it in another jug of water or alcohol, which will be less red. The prescribed dose was to take a tiny grain of the stone and dissolve it in alcohol or water so that the liquid attains a red color, resembling red wine. They report that many practitioners died in the process of trying to ingest the elixir-either because their elixir was false and thus poisonous, or because they took too much and died because of its enormous transformational power. With respect to ingesting the elixir, the European alchemists were very wary. Using his own alchemical research, Cox then reveals secrets that have been kept hidden for millennia uncovered in his own modern-day quest to rediscover this long-sought elixir of life. In The Elixir of Immortality, Robert Cox reviews the alchemical lore of these traditions and the procedures each used to produce this fabulous elixir.

The mysterious material-spiritual science of alchemy was once pervasive throughout the ancient world, spanning the globe from China and India to Egypt and medieval Europe. This substance, Robert Cox shows, bears eerie resemblance to the ultimate quest of the alchemists: the elixir of immortality. Further research showed that this powder, which had also been discovered to possess marvelous healing powers, contained monatomic forms of precious metals whose electron units had been altered to no longer display the physical, chemical, or electrical properties of the original elements. After several years of testing, this substance was revealed to consist of gold and platinum-but in a form unknown to modern science. In 1989, while attempting to extract precious minerals from his property, a wealthy Arizonan obtained a mysterious white material that initially defied scientific attempts to identify it. Reveals the alchemical secrets for creating this elixir in clear scientific language.Provides an overview of alchemical practices in the ancient world-from Europe to China.A modern-day quest that echoes the ancient alchemists’ work to discover the elixir of life