I would much rather purchase a program outright. What bothers me about subscription pricing is how expensive it invariably turns out to be considering the amount of use I get out of a program.
Thirty years ago, I had a $20/mo land line, and a TV antenna, and that was it! Think about that! I'm not at all clear that my quality of life is $500/mo better than it was back then.

If your model requires a monthly payment for something, it must literally change my life, at this point. This is why people are saying they only pay for a subscription if it REALLY matters to them. I just can't keep paying for all these things, even when they're only a "few" dollars, every month. I understand everyone wants a subscriber, not a customer, but my budget is dying a death from a thousand cuts here. and I'm probably forgetting several others. Then you have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Sam's Club (Premium!), Google Play, some stupid app my daughter needs for $8/mo, Wolfram Alpha to help her with homework, LastPass, Apple iCloud storage, SpiderOak backup, Google apps for business. Cell service and cable TV & internet are already $350/mo for me. What non-life-critical apps or services am I paying for every month? Quite a lot already.
It’s the same as this one, difference is: code snippets are highlighted with shiki, and copy button placed by the same Vuejs plugin explained in this post.It's a function of the straw that broke the camel's back. For instance, you can check out this blog post. And the text can be dynamic(from server) too. This approach can be further extended to copy text of any HTML tag. After all, whatever tool we use, it all boils down to regular html, css & js. Same applies for react, angular or any other tools. Only extra stuff on this approach is wrapping the core logic inside Vuejs Plugin system. import Vue from "vue" import CopyPlugin from "./copyPlugin" Vue.use(CopyPlugin) Its then imported and used in main.js file. function enableCopy(selector = "pre", childSelector = "code", btnText = "Copy Me", btnTextSuccess = "Copied", activeClass = "-copy") export default CopyPlugin To place a copy button on every tag, we can use the following logic. var message = "Hello world" console.log(message) Typically code are written inside tag wrapper by tag, which may end up something like this. Lets say you have a webpage containing lots of code and it needs copy button on every instance. Lets look at some of the use cases on how this 1-liner can be used on real world scenarios. More info along with its limitations & browser support can be found here. Its not limited to text though, you can copy any arbitrary data eg. This 1-liner will copy any piece of text from a webpage to clipboard. const copy = async (text) => await (text) It will work for all of type of frontend frameworks(including SSR and JAM-stack) core idea will be same but implementation may differ across frameworks. This post will guide to add “Copy” button to a html element.